Add cashw nuts to a food processor or mixie jar and Grind the cashews just to powder it. Do not over-grind, since the cashews may leave oil.
In a wide non stick pan add sugar and add water just to immerse it.
Keep the flame in medium or low to medium. When the sugar gets dissolved, check its consistency.
When the sugar syrup comes to a single string consistency (when you take the sugar syrup in your four finger and thumb, it should form a single string).
Now add the cashew powder and stir continuously until it thickens.
Once it thickens, Now reduce the flame to low and and check a very little portion of cashew paste and try to make a small ball. If you can make it, then that is the right consistency and you can switch off the flame.
Though you have switched off the flame, you shoukd not stop stirring the paste, until.it thickens further and the sides comes out clean. (Shown in the below picture).
Grease a plate with ghee and transfer the cashew paste content or transfer the content to another large non stick pan. Remove the remainings from spatula using a spoon.
Just leave for 5 min or until you can bear the heat and you can start kneading the dough to make it smooth. Before kneading apply little ghee on your hands and start to knead.
If the mixture is dry, you can add a tsp of milk to make it pliable and smooth. Here i didnt add, as the ghee and few drops of water is enough to make it smooth dough.
Now using a parchment paper or butter paper,
Place the dough inbetween them.
With the help of a rolling pin or chapatti roller, roll it to a thin layer like to 1/4" thickness or as per your wish.
Now cut it in to diamond shaped pieces using a knife or a pizza cutter. For a smooth cutting, you can apply ghee on the knife.
Remove the extras and again roll them to desired shape.
Kaju katli is ready to eat now.